
This is the resurrection of the popular soul music blog started on Blogger in early 2009. This is the new WordPress version.  Quality lowrider, original gangster, sweet harmony and deep soul rolas from me, RossyBoy, and occasionally from some friends.

Note Zippyshare download links will expire after 30 days with no downloads.

“Grab what you can as soon as you can” should be your motto.

Also check out the action from the other Founding Father of the original TVD blog, G MAN, at his blog:


26 thoughts on “About



  2. the soulboy

    Nice to see you up and running again.Long may you continue.Always look forward to your compillations as always they r top drawer and your art work is superb.Wishing you and your family Feliz Navidad y feliz nuevo año.Muchas grcias for your posts.The Soulboy,Spain.


    Hi RossyBoy!

    Glad to see you kept the faith. Rose told me you were back and how to find you. She’s the greatest sista! The covers you make for her are outta sight!
    I guess our music is not stopped by borders and I’m glad of that.
    Thank you so much for all this hard work. So damn impressive!
    Keep it up Boy!

  4. Soulin

    Once in a while, we are fortunate to have dealings with a Master of their particular trade….in this case it’s an honour to have the opportunity to be allowed to listen to such masterful slabs of old (and not so old) soul music delivered by the Master himself !!. A million thanks Rossy Boy for the sheer enjoyment & pleasure of sharing the only music that really matters.

  5. dazedgurl83

    thanx you so much for spreading the love of them sweet soul sounds truly appreciate all you share from one soul lover to another THANK YOU

  6. Raphy

    Hi Friends,
    I do enjoy the collection of ”Overtime Sweet Soul+Edition….THANK YOU….

    There are some links that are down can you re-up them….
    I’ll List the ones :

    Missing Sweet Soul Edition Vol:- 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 26, 27, 37, 38, 40, 44, 59, 67, 78

    Missing Sweet Soul Vol:- 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 38, 40, 41, 44, 52

    THANK Once again…….

    Keep the sweet soul alive..LOL

    Big Up!@!

    1. rossyboythesource Post author

      I sympathise, Raphy but the (mostly) zippyshare links expire after no downloads for 30 days. I can hardly keep up with the new posts so I’m sorry I haven’t got the time to re-upload the old stuff for those who came late to the party. Still plenty of new ones to come so I hope you will enjoy those ….

  7. Raphy

    OOO NOOO!…..Please friend….
    You can do them 2 for each month..LOL

    You see, Rossyboy… I’m trying to collect all these great compilations…(to make it tidy)
    I do have most of the music on vinyl, but my turntable and amps not working at the moment….

    And to tell you the truth, I do Rip many Lps and post them on the net. Check: http://www.funkmysoul.gr/
    Before then , it was a french blog in the early years….

    I honestly don’t mind if you use my rip to compile these gems…
    I do prefer a potpourri of different voices..lol

    Big Up!@!

    1. rossyboythesource Post author

      Hello again Raphy ! I didn’t realize that you were one of Nikos’s crew !
      I’ve have often visited over the years and have picked up some nice albums; even probably some of your drops ! I don’t like to have incomplete series myself either, so I will try to put up new links for your requests – a few at a time. Maybe you could ask Nikos to add my blog into his “Blogs We Like” section ?!? Thanks again for your interest. RB

  8. Stuart Free

    Hey Rossyboy,

    Please accept my massive big thank you, I came across you via Soulseek many moons ago, you’re a man of such a vast library that I find all my top tunes in your comps, along with many gems I have never heard. I only just recently looked up your blog, ah beautiful, sharing your love, dedication my friend, amazing.

    I’m a big vinyl fela, like many people I rip my records and put them on soulseek, Stugazeypie if you ever go on there, please tuck in if there’s anything you don’t already know, ( I doubt that tho). I’m a bit of a soul and rocksteady guy, if I may when I get time I’ll email you my ” inbetweenies” list, tunes that find their way between the gaps of ska, soul, rock steady, islands and lowriders, and really satisfy the jigsaw puzzle.

    Big gratitude for allowing us all to get down to your grooves and discover a deeper side of soul.


  9. Pieforce

    Hi, thanks for all the wrk you do on this fine blog. I’m trying to identify a track you once posted on https://tomorrowsvelvetdreamz.wordpress.com/2010/10/15/rossyboys-bleeding-hearts-vol-11/ It’s labelled as She’ll Snatch Him by the Heartstoppers, but it isn’t that song. It’s a sick deep soul version of (all of a sudden) My Heart Sings. It’s incredible and I’d love to find out whose version it is. I know there’s a Sarah Vaughan version and she has the right range, but I haven’t been able to hear it anywhere and this doesn’t quite sound like her. Any idea?
    Thanks and big ups

    1. rossyboythesource Post author

      Thanks for your nice c0mment. You’re right – I made a mistake on that track. It was early days and I hope I’m a bit better at validating the tracks now ! It was an easy error. The song (All Of A Sudden) My Heart Sings is a bit of a classic from the 40’s onwards. That particular version is called All Of A Sudden by Sarah Simpson on Soul-Po-Tion from the late 60’s. I have it on a CD called Deep Soul Discoveries Vol 2 from 1995. But the Heartstoppers was from Deep Soul Discoveries Vol 3 – same track number. That’s how I got my knickers slightly twisted ! Thanks for your interest.

      1. simonhedger

        Well, I’m glad you did make the mistake, or I might never have heard that song! I managed to track down where the original version is from – Kathryn Grayson sings it in a Sinatra movie from 1945 called Anchor’s Aweigh (nice pun). Not my bag, anyway, so I’m very pleased to have heard Sarah Simpson do it first. Now to track down a copy for myself!
        Thanks for your help, and again for the blog. I love it!

  10. simonhedger

    Ha! yeah – Manship has a copy of that Sarah Simson track for about $100. It might have to wait until I’m a little richer!

    1. rossyboythesource Post author

      You gotta speculate to accumulate, Simon ! I like to buy what my ear likes too, but I wince at some of the prices. Lots of good tunes around for more modest money !

  11. moxnix

    Have been searching for 45 for years, only know the words and melody, father had record as a child, i really loved it at a young age and used to play it over and over. I only remember a blue label, started out with organ, “i’m a human to my-y friends, oh girl you know i am, i;m not a puppet not a puppet on a string oh oh i’m not, then the rhythm section kicked in, bum bum bum bum- Let me know you love me so, or I got to let you go, you better hurry up . cause i did my best,,,,put your lips to mi-ine baby, i’ll be your ___, ____ & _____(Heart, heart and soul) is what my 6 yr old brain tells my now 58 yr old one},got to have your warm embrace, got to have your warm embray-e-a-e-ace! now a middle part, I remember when you used to call me your lover boy, and never ever told me a lie, but my how the times have changed, you don’t even call my name, darling I wanna know why, darling I wanna know why. then back to let me know you love me so, a great song I have questioned many expert soul lovers over the years. I remember that blue label, everest? King? I don’t know, was 60’s though. any help at all, appreciated, I always ask when I find a new site, thanks and keep on listenin’..

    1. rossyboythesource Post author

      Hi, moxnix !

      Your track is:

      Billy Prophet – Puppet On A String – Merrimac – 1966

      I’ll stick it on my next compilation.

      Best of luck – enjoy !



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